Monday, October 4, 2010

Tea and books

June 3 2010
*happy sigh*
I'm working on another canvas right now (aren't I always?) and so I'm in a funk, hence this'll be short --how strange for me, but that's the norm lately.
This prototype I made on May 26, I believe?
Sorry I don't have any of the process this time--I just have a few shots with that cute green chair.
For the record, I am so painting the chairs (in my house someday) different colors . . . well, or else just an out-of-the-ordinary color. Like green. This green. I love it. And everything is not going to be matchy-matchy. 
Not that I've been known to be such, but oh well;)
Excuse the gas-powered red machine of some kind in the background. I have two brothers.
Then, the other day I made a cleaner-cut version; not so 'artsy' as Heather called this first one....she likes this one better, but I like the newer one better because I changed the color of the cup to more of a blue shade. :)
Mhmmm. I like me some blue. Moreso than green, which I like a little less.
As I've said before, like here, hot pink I can take--in small doses. And not on my person. :D
And just because I'm a decent sister, I gave Ben his own version to hang in the shop;)
And let's just say that I named the new series that I'm working on a huge canvas for....Night Sky. Heh heh. I'm so darn creative! (with naming painting series, that is)
Oh, please watch your step.
Don't trip over my sarcasm.
'Kay? Thanks:)

John 13:35

June 1 2010
Maybe I haven't been too inspired in the word-department, but I think I've been pretty decent in going on a steady roll of painting.
So much so that I'm still catching up.
This is for the dear Jen:) She's in Africa right now, and she FB'd me about an earthy-toned canvas with John 13 :35 in Swahili. Of course, since she already had the right translation, I said yes. I didn't want to mix and mess it up by Googling the English-to-Swahili translation of a scripture. 
I did it on a surprisingly rainy day, so there wasn't the greatest lighting situations one could hope for...but she loved it when I sent her the picture, so that's all that counts:)
I added more orange accents at Anna's confirmation that it looks like henna...:) We love henna.
I've switched by musical affections from Jimmy Needham to Starfield's newest album.
Didn't want to overplay Jimmy, ya know.
Oh, and here's the English version of the above scripture:

By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
[John 13:35]

Night sky #1

May 30 2010
Hope you all are having a wonderful Monday afternoon....or whatever day you read this:)
Alright. I'm catching up chronologically, just because that's how I'm dealing with the folders of pictures waiting to be picked through, certain ones uploaded, and blog posted.
So let's get onto the pictures. :)
Let's get this clear.
This was random.
On a new, big canvas Ben made for me.
For me.
So this painting...I painted for myself.
Just wanted to tell you, I don't expect ones like this to sell. (laughs)
Time for some chocolate-covered coffee beans. Oh yes. Celebration--a canvas is finished. :)
...'Tis a night sky type of thing, if you couldn't guess.
Sorry. Again, no words to say.
But this--I think it looks pretty cool on the wall where I hung it...
There it I had to use flash. :P And yes...ahem...that's me, probably around-1-2 yrs old. With a little chickie held in Daddy's gloved hand, at a grandma's farm.
I've been obsessed with this song. Just thought I'd tell you. Since it's not available on the site where I get my blog music from. :(
And goodness, his music is nice and various--I love painting to it. Imaginably, the urge to dance comes;)
So that's my painting, folks.

My unfailing Love for you will not be moved
for you will not be moved
My unfailing Love for you
and though the mountains be shaken
and the hills be removed
yet My unfailing Love for you.
[Jimmy Needham]

Share a random moment?

May 27 2010

Alright, so that's not what I made last week.
So I'll start posting the real material the title suggests. ;)
That's a nice dark Italian-grape kind of purple. As if you couldn't tell.
This is a scene of a bit of wonderfulness.
Ah, colors.
Alright, so confession: I have no witty remarks or narration up my sleeve today. I have painting to do. Sorry. 
Carefully orchestrated spatters.
Ah, yes. Turned out quite decent, dontcha think?
Sorry I'm kind of speechless today.
Have to have those days every once in a while.
Visit me here, and check out the gallery thing I have.
Okay. There's little me, saying 'bye, have a nice day, alright?'

I'll leave you with this.
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. 
[Robert Frost]

Experience a random moment?

May 25 2010
This was Thursday, on the 20th of this month. Ahhh, that's the mug from Sarah. It's amazing.
I filled it with the predictability of me.
So this was inspired by an already-existing print, too. But here's mine...almost done...
Lyd was sewing something on the machine, and you can see the vibrations...I didn't really mean to capture it, but it looks randomly cool:)
See how huge it is, that lovely mug? Ohhh yes. It's like half the size of my head. It's great. :)
I'm not sure you can tell I like that green chair:) 
This is before I made it a bit older-looking....not so perfect.
There it is:)
Not bad for a prototype. Heh. Not my favorite, personally...but hey. To each his own.
So that's all for this one.

Purple heart

May 8 2010

For Lyddie:)
Her favorite color is yellow, so obviously that was part of it...
Okay, so purple and yellow are complimentary. And with the yellow being on the pale side, I think it looks kind of cute:) From a very objective angle, of course.
Alright. So this was Tuesday, May 4. We had Danny for the afternoon, and he wanted to go outside. He actually let me sit him on my lap so we could put his shoes on. The way he says shoes and outside and boys is adorable.
I wanna go outside and see Bubby.
Ben had gone on errands or something with Caleb... Danny was sad. Obviously. But I can't say I didn't bring out the lilacs for the picture I knew would come, because he'd get emotional...and it might make a cute picture.
Boo-hoo. Feel his emotion and misery here, that his Bubby wasn't there to be with. 
He was so sweet though, and we went back in and he played with some toys/duplos.
Almost done...yeah, there's not that many picture with this canvas, seeing as how it's quite simple.
Not . . . quite . . . done . . . yet.
A little bit of corners to get some detail and interest...she wanted something "more" on the edges, but I didn't want to go all whack because this is really a simple type of painting...
Hmm. Gotta love that old rocking chair. I always use it.
I really, really, really like that pale yellow.
Couldn't resist posting this one.
It's like...the perfect breakfast.
I love peaches. Frozen or fresh. And coffee. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010


May 6 2010
First of all, tell me this isn't the coolest coffee picture ever:
....^ The inspiration. The center one, of course.
That, my dear friends, is the breakfast of artists. ;) Starbucks coffee from Justin and Sarah dear, and vanilla yogurt with Anna's homemade granola (amazing!!) and frozen berries. Oh.My.Goodness. :)
Now onto painting! That, for your information, is dark-dark-dark brown. Brothers didn't think so. 
"Frustrations on the job? Brothers who think a yummy dark-dark-dark chocolate color is black. Sheesh. Their eyes are used to looking at grey pipes of riding lawnmowers and Yamaha dirt bikes. Not paintings. Harhar.
Yes. Paint-splattered fingers are poetic. And those are library books in the upper left corner...heard about Elizabeth Berg from Flower Patch Farmgirl, so I thought since I like ww2 books, I'd check out Dream When You're Feeling Blue. It's turning out fine so far...I love how she gets you right into the era with slang, clothes, rations, everything. It's so good:) Oh, and realistic family life--sisters having those small odd spats, borrowing clothes, and the cute characters of the little brothers with so many quirks. ;)
I love that apron. And a button for a towel? Sweetness:) Black and white is...oh, yeah. <3 it:) Anyhow, I'm digressing. On purpose. it is:
I just love the falling-apart vintagey rocking chair I snapped it on.
Let me know how y'all like it, 'kay?
Thanks:) Then I can predict if I need/want to paint any more like this--with varying customized colors for the mug. Pink isn't for everyone:) In fact, I'm not much for pink, but when it's paired with dark chocolate and there's not a huge bucket load of pink, I'm okay. I won't ever paint my walls --not even one-- pink. Won't even buy furniture that color. But I did see some furniture in the newest Emma that was pink...and I loved it...but I might get tired of seeing it everyday, such a large thing.